Research Tool

June 15, 2015

RDC Scheduled Delivery – UA08-WM

Daily deliveries from the regional distribution center (RDC) network exhibit variation that makes it difficult to effectively schedule labor (minimize over/understaffing). Therefore we were motivated to consider changing the trailer release and delivery process and/or forecasting method that informs scheduling. These considerations also helped us to appreciate tradeoffs between store service and transportation cost.
June 15, 2015

Adaptive Logistics Network Design and Optimization – YR4 UA05-AF2

Future logistics systems must be: This project develops an adaptive and flexible logistic system that is able to s upport joint fighting force across services and with cross-organizational and cross-cultural capability. This project also develops technologies and processes that advocate a more dynamic logistics support system
June 15, 2015

Experimentation Test-Bed for Evaluation and Benchmarking of RFID Technologies – CDP-05 OSU Collaborative

Sponsor: CELDi Research Team: Satish Kukkapatnam, Vignesh Rajamani, Bradnon Lee Gardner, Jayjeet M. Govardhan, Andrew Contreras, Sharethram Hariharan Universities Involved: Oklahoma State University Start Date: 10/31/04 End Date: 11/01/05 Summary: Study of the origins of complicated patterns in sensor signals from manufacturing machines, processes, and specific infrastructure and lifeline systems […]