
June 15, 2015

Research Experiences for Teachers (RET): Authentic Logistics Projects – CL08-RET

Sponsor: National Science Foundation Research Team: Maria E. Mayorga Universities Involved: Clemson University Start Date: 05/15/08 End Date: 05/31/09 Summary: Through Clemson University, one teacher will learn about engineering logistics and production planning and its applicability to the Gateway to Technology program; an advanced science and “pre-engineering” curriculum for 6th […]
June 15, 2015

Assessing and Improving Safety Logistics at the Pantex Plant – TT10-BWXT

The objective of this project is to implement safety culture in a plant to operate as a high reliability organization.
June 15, 2015

Quantifying the Impact of Aircraft Cannibalization – YR1 UA03-AFRL1

This project redevelops a mathematical modeling methodology to accurately adresses process issues, identifies policies for making cost-effective decisions and analyses policy impact on management of supply chain