
June 15, 2015

Cognitive Decision Support in a Sense and Respond Environment – YR4 UA05-AF3

Future logistics systems must be: This project develops an adaptive and flexible logistic system that is able to s upport joint fighting force across services and with cross-organizational and cross-cultural capability. This project also develops technologies and processes that advocate a more dynamic logistics support system
June 15, 2015

Customized Installation Logistics and Training for a Personal Mobility System – LH09-COOK

This project develops a customizable installation logistics and training tool for a process
June 15, 2015

Inventory Models for Intermittent Highly Variable Demand and Safety Stock Adjustments to Meet Desired Service Level Requirements – UA08-INVS

The main goal of this proposed research project is to develop more effective inventory control models for situations involving intermittent highly variable demand and to ensure that planned for target service levels are actually met during operational conditions when using existing inventory models.