
June 15, 2015

(LSS Dashboard) Monitoring & Measurement Research: Analysis and Recommendations for SPAWAR Services/Projects – CL07-SPWR

The objective of this project is to design a dashboard tool to help guide new Green Belts through the LSS DMAIC process and allow Project Managers to track the sustained effectiveness of events
June 15, 2015

Next-Generation Distribution System – CL06-MICH

This project develops a methodology that determines the best mode of operation for a distribution center.
June 15, 2015

Modeling, Analysis and Solution of the Manufacturing and Distribution Activities – UL05-ALCO

Sponsor: Alcoa Corporation Research Team: Sunderesh Heragu, Gail W. DePuy, Gerald W Evans Universities Involved: University of Louisville Start Date: 09/01/05 End Date: 06/30/06 Summary: This project develops a linear, mixed-integer mathematical programming model to minimize cost and improve customer service levelsAlcoa Engineered Products (AEP) is interested in developing an […]