Assessing and Improving Safety Logistics at the Pantex Plant – TT10-BWXT

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Assessing and Improving Safety Logistics at the Pantex Plant – TT10-BWXT

The objective of this project is to implement safety culture in a plant to operate as a high reliability organization.


B&W Pantex

Research Team:

Jennifer A. Farris

Universities Involved:

Texas Tech University

Start Date:


End Date:



The objective of this project is to develop and implement a Safety Culture Assessment Methodology for the Pantex Plant and identify Current Safety- Related Weaknesses in Production System and Design Action Plans for Improvement
Problem in context: BWXT/Pantex is America’s only nuclear weapons assembly/disassembly plant. Demand for their services is projected to increase over the next several years, and maintaining a strong safety culture is therefore challenging and critical. Our objective is to develop and implement a safety culture assessment methodology for the plant, and identify action plans for improving production processes.
The survey instrument proved to be a valid and useful tool for assessing safety culture in the Plant. Findings revealed a strong safety culture in the Explosives Technology Division but also identified specific areas of relative strength and weakness. Initial review of the results by managers in the Explosives Technology Division led to the implementation of some corrective actions which appear to have already produced some benefit. Further corrective actions have also been planned.