
June 15, 2015

TIE Project: Healthcare Supply Chain Modeling using Simulation – TIE UA-CHMR

This project evaluates vertical chain if production and inventory stocking policy, and makes recommendations on how to improve organization performance
June 15, 2015

Porphyrin-Mediated Destruction of Nytro-Entergetics – OSU04-05 DAC

The goal of this project is to devise and understand a continuous-feed on-line solar-powered process for the destruction of energetic and hazardous materials.
June 15, 2015

Assessment of Vendor Contract Impacts on Retail Logistics – UA08-SAMS

This projects Investigates the impact of vendor agreements on the current inventory system with the goal of maintaining or improving the service capability of replenishment while reducing inventory
June 15, 2015

Inventory Policy Decisions and Warehouse Operational Costs – UA10-MDLN

This project analyzes inventory decision on warehouse operational costs.
June 15, 2015

Improve Inventory Accuracy through Optimal Cycle Counting – CDP-06 OU/OSU Collaborative

The objective of this project is to developa cycle counting scheduler to optimize cycle counting policy, help manage inventory, and reduce counting cost and improve inventory accuracy.
June 15, 2015

Economic Assessment of Production Downtime – UA02-05

This research focuses on the total optimization of the logistics value chain
June 15, 2015

Ergonomic Panelized Construction: Analysis and Design of Material Logistics – VT10-NIOSH

Sponsor: NIOSH Research Team: Maury Nussbaum Universities Involved: Virginia Tech Start Date: NA End Date: NA Summary:
June 15, 2015

Agile Business Networks, Development and Pilot Project – LH05-ABN

The objective of this project is to apply Agile Business Networks (ABN) in a process
June 15, 2015

Manufacturing and Distribution Strategies for Volatile and Cyclical Customer Demand – OSU02-01

This project develops a manufacturing strategy and a production/inventory model that could help organizations with volatile and cyclical demand perform in a better and efficient manner.
June 15, 2015

Distribution Center Space and Dock Door Configuration – UA09-MDLN

Thiis project evaluates shape and costs of exiting and new facilitie to make the most efficient use of sorage locations.
June 15, 2015

Helping Green Belts Use What They Know – CDP09-GRN

This project develops a training system for new users to master tools effectively and in less time.
June 15, 2015

Optimization of Dynamic Trip Planning Problem – VT09-INNV

Sponsor: Innovative Scheduling Research Team: Yasemin Merzifonluoglu Universities Involved: Virginia Tech Start Date: 11/15/08 End Date: 11/14/09 Summary: The focus of this project is dynamically determining routes of shipments for tactical level decision support for railroads. The objective is to determine an approach to effectively route shipments on trains such […]
June 15, 2015

Activity Based Costing in Repair/Rework Activities for Legacy Systems – UL03-03 Crane

The purpose of this project is to develop and describe an activity-based costing (ABC) MS Excel based software tool for a more responsive manufacturing environment.
June 15, 2015

Drawing Management – OU05-ALC

Use of a less costly tracking system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.
June 15, 2015

Quantifying the Effect of Commercial Transportation Practices in Military Supply Chains – YR1 UA03-AFRL6

This project examines the feasibility of utilizing hybrid simulation/analytic techniques within logistical performance analysis in order to speed up the execution of logistical planning while maintaining the accuracy and precision of the performance predictions
June 15, 2015

Container Roll-In /Out Platform (CROP) Ammunition Restraint Enhancements for Effective Transport – OU03-DAC2

This project investigates different materials for product restraints and designs and analyses a new system of pallets and an alternative for stabilizing loads from shifting during transport
June 15, 2015

Demilitarization Knowledge Management Application for Transitioning the Ammunition Stockpile – OU03-DAC1

A visual, interactive tool developed to provide industrial education.
June 15, 2015

Readiness Based Customer Wait-Time Sparing within Commercial Advanced Planning System – UA04-NAVSUP

The objectove of this project is to determine the potential for improving supply support throughout a process. The research will focus on integrating wholesale and retail inventory models to achieve readiness based customer wait time (CWT) goals.
June 15, 2015

Technology Insertion Lifecycle Execution (TILE) Pilot – OU06-TILE

The objective of this project is to evaluate IBM Rational Tool Suite as a tool for organizing tests and tracking defects in software considered for a specific application
June 15, 2015

Distribution Planning – Allocation of Bulk Tanks and Trailer Fleet Sizing – VT10-AIRL

Sponsor: American Air Liquide Research Team: Kimberly Ellis Universities Involved: Virginia Tech Start Date: NA End Date: NA Summary: The purpose of this project is to evaluate the preferred size of tanks to allocate to customer sites (and also at production facilities and intermediate distribution centers) with the objective of […]
June 15, 2015

Development of Key Performance Metrics for Aircraft Maintenance Process Control – CL10-LOCK

Sponsor: Lockheed Martin Aircraft & Logistics Research Team: Kevin Taaffe Universities Involved: Clemson University Start Date: NA End Date: NA Summary: Investigation into Key Factors Contributing to Maintenance and Delivery Issues and develop a “Dashboard” of key metrics that Lockheed Martin management can use to make good decisions based on […]
June 15, 2015

Modeling the Value Proposition of the Marketplace vs. Direct Connection in the Petroleum Industry – OSU03-01

The objective of this project is to perform a cost analysis on a process
June 15, 2015

Improving Planning under Uncertainty at U.S. Navy Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, Jacksonville – FL05-FISC

This project analyzes the Material Requirements Planning System (MRP) of a process and develops mathematical-model-based policies to more effectively manage material supply processes
June 15, 2015

Allocation of Bulk Tanks to Customer Sites – VT09-AIRL

Sponsor: American Air Liquide Research Team: Kimberly Ellis Universities Involved: Virginia Tech Start Date: 01/19/09 End Date: 01/18/10 Summary: The purpose of this project is to evaluate the preferred size of tanks to allocate to customer sites (and also at production facilities and intermediate distribution centers) with the objective of […]
June 15, 2015

Management of Performance Based Logistics – UL02-03

The objective of this project is to analyze existing tool of a process, compare them to other existing tool in industry, make improvement recommendations, and determine if approach could be used to evaluate new performance based logistics (PBL) contracts.
February 22, 2023

Save the Date – IAB Symposium 2023

Registration is now OPEN! Register Here!For Hotel Reservations, use this link.Be sure to use the group code: cel Full Event Agenda (PDF) Keynote Speaker April 10th, 2023: Edwin Keh Mr Edwin Keh is the CEO of The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel. He also teaches supply chain […]
December 3, 2021

Save the Date – IAB Symposium 2022

REGISTER NOW!! Registration will be $100/person and will be invoiced to the attendees after the event. The hotel block link to reserve accommodations at The Broadway Hotel in Columbia, MO, will be emailed to registrants after they register. Hotel Block and Registration deadline is March 20, 2022. The registration link […]
February 3, 2021

CELDi Spring 2021 IAB Meeting & Research Symposium

April 8th & 9th CELDi Spring 2021 Virtual IAB Meeting and Research Symposium Symposium Brochure and Event Schedule REGISTRATION LINK Keynote Speakers Chuck TilmonVice President, Quality Control at Walmart, Inc. Chuck Tilmon, a native of Texarkana, Arkansas, is the Vice President of Quality Control at Walmart, Inc. where he is […]