National Science Foundation
C. Richard Cassady, Edward A. Pohl, Melissa Miller , Randall Reynolds
University of Arkansas
This project creates an IE Challenge for Junior High and High School students with the intent to develop student’s interest in industrial engineering as a career option.
Continuation of the IE Challenge program with the same research team. IE Challenge to be held in Spring 2009.
Student participants were excited about the event and several have expressed an interest in further participation in upcoming years. There were no high school teams competing this past year in the challenge because the timing for the competition was not good,for the teachers felt stressed about the state benchmark exams that are always given in the spring semester. The new date for the final competition entry form is May 1, 2008, allowing students to complete their entry after the benchmarks have been given. We have received correspondence from several teachers at this time, expressing interest in this year’s competition.