Modeling Sortie Generation, Maintenance, and Inventory Interactions for Unit Level Logistics Planners – YR2 UA04-AFRL1

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June 15, 2015

Modeling Sortie Generation, Maintenance, and Inventory Interactions for Unit Level Logistics Planners – YR2 UA04-AFRL1

This project develops simulation modeling methodologies that will assist logistics managers in analyzing the effects of different resource allocation policies and identify potential risks in logistics plans.


Air Force Research Laboratory

Research Team:

Manuel D. Rossetti, Raymond R. Hill, Joseph P. Havlicek, Narayanan, Todd Hausman

Universities Involved:

University of Arkansas

Start Date:


End Date:



The objective of this project is to model the effect of scheduled deliveries, time-based deliveries, mobile inventory resources, and cross shipments on the military readiness capabilities of weapons systems and their spare part supply chains.
The primary performance measure for US Air Force Fighter Wing logistic organizations is the ability to successfully launch aircraft on time and in the proper configuration to meet daily Air Task Orders. The key process includes sortie generation (servicing aircraft, loading the aircraft with fuel, programming warfare equipment, loading the aircraft with munitions, launching, recovery, inspection and maintenance). Logistics managers require additional decision-making and planning tools to help identify bottlenecks and reduce the risks in meeting flying schedules. The goal of this project is to develop simulation and mathematical modeling methodologies that will assist unit-level logistics managers in analyzing the effects of different resource allocation policies and identify risks in logistical plans. The models should encompass sortie generation, maintenance activities, and the effect of limited equipment and inventory.