Quantifying The Costs and Benefits of Product Variety on Key Performance Measures – UL08-EMCN

Cognitive Modeling of Group Decision Behaviors in Multi-Cultural Context – YR3 UA-AFRL 2065
June 15, 2015
TIE Research Program on E-Design for Supply Chain – TIE OSU-UA
June 15, 2015

Quantifying The Costs and Benefits of Product Variety on Key Performance Measures – UL08-EMCN

This research advocates the use of discrete-event simulation as a proactive tool in assessing the effect of product variety on production performance


Emcien, Inc.

Research Team:

Sunderesh Heragu, Trivikram H Rao, Gerald W Evans

Universities Involved:

University of Louisville

Start Date:


End Date:



This project constructs a model which chooses the best alternative to reduce/handle product complexity so as to optimize supply chain parameters such as quality, inventory levels and transportation costs.
The project concerns establishing and quantifying the costs and benefits of product variety on a subset of important key performance indicators involving inventory levels and turns, quality, and product availability. While focusing on the discrete manufacturing segment, the project will cut across multiple industries such as electronics, automotive, consumer durables and industrial products. The project will involve numerous companies as part of this authoritative study that will help quantify the costs and benefits of product variety on a company’s supply chain.