Oklahoma Department of Transportation
Rick Ingalls, Manjunath Kamath
Oklahoma State University
This new research effort converts the more basic Freight Movement Model (FMM) research components into more applied research tools for transportation professionals and decision makers. The decision support system (DSS) under development is expected to facilitate critical decisions related to transportation infrastructure planning in the public sector and supply chain system planning in the private sector. The DSS will also support training and education of transportation and supply chain professionals and classroom instruction through associated case studies in disciplines such as industrial engineering, civil engineering and regional and city planning.
Activities on this project began in August 2008 and the first year activities include the development of the DSS architecture, determination of software requirements for the decision support modules, development of the decision support modules for transportation planning based on the FMM work, development of instructional/training cases and scenarios and completion and testing of the DSS for transportation planning. Year 2 activities will focus on integrating logistical issues related to supply chain systems into freight modeling and the development, testing and validation of freight flow math models for supply chain planning. The third and final year activities will involve extension of the DSS modules to include logistical issues related to supply chain planning, development of corresponding instructional/training cases and scenarios, completion of the DSS for supply chain planning and the final testing and refinement of the complete DSS software.