Cotton Incorporated
Terry R. Collins, Joshua P. Jones, James L. Simonton, Lisa Patviviatisiri, Tosanwumi Maku
Texas Tech University
The objective of this project is to create a representative cost model that can be used in later work to explore the cost feasibility of creating a biodiesel operation utilizing cottonseed oil from marketing, logistics, and manufacturing aspects.
The annual volume of cotton gin by-products produced in the US provides opportunity for innovations aimed at utilizing biodegradable resources for commercial benefit. Efforts in this direction have achieved limited results, with alternative uses constituting insignificant recycling channels, leading to the “economic liability” label of gin trash in the cotton industry.
The gin waste mulch product seeks to reverse this trend. A hydromulch with soil erosion control capabilities, major raw material constituents include gin trash, sudan grass, and other ingredients. However, the successful rollout of this product-to-market is contingent on the design and establishment of a robust value chain system, taking into consideration pertinent parameters in a systems analysis intervention.
This project explores the economic feasibility of establishing a cotton gin waste mulch production operation utilizing cotton gin by-products, biomass, and other pertinent raw materials. The research scope embodies issues related to transportation/logistics/manufacturing/storage of gin trash, biomass, and other raw material constituents. These factors are jointly investigated to develop an economic modeling environment with a cost minimization objective. The project is delimited from distribution and marketing considerations.