Advanced MRO Planning and Scheduling: Multi-Resource Job-shop Problem with Resource Flexibility (MJSPF) – OSU08-TNK

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June 15, 2015

Advanced MRO Planning and Scheduling: Multi-Resource Job-shop Problem with Resource Flexibility (MJSPF) – OSU08-TNK

This project identifies the schedule that minimizes the time to complete a specific number of jobs which go thorugh a sequence of operations.


Oklahoma City Air Logistics at Tinker Air Force Ba

Research Team:

Rick Ingalls, Tieming Liu, Mario Cornejo-Barriere

Universities Involved:

Oklahoma State University

Start Date:


End Date:



The objective of this project is to identify the schedule that minimizes the amount of time to complete a specific number jobs at Tinker Air Force Base. Each job needs to go through a specific sequence of operations:

– Multi-resource: each operation requires multiple resources available at the same time.

– Resource flexibility: for each operation, there may exist several alternatives for resource combinations.
Problem Statement:

Identify the schedule that minimizes the amount of time to complete a specific number jobs. Each job needs to go through a specific sequence of operations:

– Multi-resource: each operation requires multiple resources available at the same time.

– Resource flexibility: for each operation, there may exist several alternatives for resource combinations.


– Assign resources to Operations

– Sequencing Operations on the selected resources