
June 15, 2015

FFM: Simulation and Optimization Studies on Berth Allocation with Inspection Operations – OU08-FRTI

Sponsor: Oklahoma Department of Transportation Research Team: Yongpei Guan Universities Involved: University of Oklahoma Start Date: 06/01/07 End Date: 06/30/09 Summary: Following the terrorism attack on September 11, 2001 container security issues were aroused. The U.S. government proposed and implemented a lot of measures, such as C-TPAT, CSI, and etc. […]
June 15, 2015

Introducing Engineering Concepts with Microsoft Excel – UA06-RET

This project introduces IE concepts in to Middle School students using Microsoft Office Excel
June 15, 2015

Logistics Network Design – MU07-LGGT

The objective of this project is to develop and apply an approach to design a distribution network with respect to both TL and LTL transportation models and the associated operating practices.