24/7 Remote Monitoring of Work Zones and Intelligent Decision Support System for the Safety of Motorists and Highway Construction Workers – OU02-03

Research Experiences for Teachers 2005-2006 UL – UL05-RET
June 15, 2015
Merging Mobile Robotics and RFID Technologies for an Automated Asset Locating System (AALS) – CDP08-AALS
June 15, 2015

24/7 Remote Monitoring of Work Zones and Intelligent Decision Support System for the Safety of Motorists and Highway Construction Workers – OU02-03


Oklahoma Department of Transportation

Research Team:

Sridhar Radhakrishnan, Rafael Fierro, Daryl Johnson, Dean Hougen

Universities Involved:

University of Oklahoma

Start Date:


End Date:



A monitoring system that provides data in real-time or near real-time to an intelligent decision support system (IDSS) that will, in turn, provide advance warning to traffic management officials, public safety officials, and motorists.

The 24/7 work zone remote monitoring system is formed by the Remote Traffic Microwave Sensor (RMTS), video monitoring and other work zone sensors. The integrated system takes the input from the monitors and feeds it to an IDSS that, in turn, informs the appropriate personnel who incorporate measures that improve safety and create an effective traffic flow.

Both IDSS and monitoring system are controlled by a simple, efficient, and user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) system.